It's time to celebrate one of the most important people in our lives - our Mothers.
In celebration of Mother's Day - May 8th 2011, Designs By Nishy will be creating one-of-a-kind baskets and breath-taking arrangements suitable for everyone.
- Sunrise Delight - 12 beautiful orange (circus) roses in a keepsake vase. (Upgrade this item with an exquisite beaded necklace, draped around the vase)
- Forever Young - a mixture of white flowers in a chic and trendy Danzi sling (available in shimmery lime green and shimmery purple, with diamond studs).
- Simple Elegance - a bottle of wine wrapped in Calla lilies with a base of white flowers.
- Choco-dreams - an arrangement of nuts, wine, chocolate cookies and chocolate candies.
- Classic Beauty - a unique arrangement of a dozen red roses, chocolate candies and a bottle of wine.
If you have a special item (whether it's jewellery, cosmetics, a gift certificate, electronics etc.) we can customize the baskets to include your gift.
*All orders are to be placed by May 5th and full payment is also required for orders to be final.
*Delivery/Collection arrangements will be made when orders are confirmed.
For more details, please call 876-899-3128 or email at [email protected]
In celebration of Mother's Day - May 8th 2011, Designs By Nishy will be creating one-of-a-kind baskets and breath-taking arrangements suitable for everyone.
- Sunrise Delight - 12 beautiful orange (circus) roses in a keepsake vase. (Upgrade this item with an exquisite beaded necklace, draped around the vase)
- Forever Young - a mixture of white flowers in a chic and trendy Danzi sling (available in shimmery lime green and shimmery purple, with diamond studs).
- Simple Elegance - a bottle of wine wrapped in Calla lilies with a base of white flowers.
- Choco-dreams - an arrangement of nuts, wine, chocolate cookies and chocolate candies.
- Classic Beauty - a unique arrangement of a dozen red roses, chocolate candies and a bottle of wine.
If you have a special item (whether it's jewellery, cosmetics, a gift certificate, electronics etc.) we can customize the baskets to include your gift.
*All orders are to be placed by May 5th and full payment is also required for orders to be final.
*Delivery/Collection arrangements will be made when orders are confirmed.
For more details, please call 876-899-3128 or email at [email protected]